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AdvEOTec | Phone : +33 (0)1 60 86 43 61


Characterization of optical and optoelectronic components, thermal measurements, electronic noise measurements, detection of electrical and optical continuity and discontinuity, construction analysis, etc.

AdvEOTec guarantees the metrology, traceability and relevance of measurements thanks to its proven methodology in the qualification of optoelectronic and photonic components.


List of standard characterizations

  • Visual inspection
  • Photocurrent
  • Optical spectrum
  • laser voltage
  • Thermal resistance non-destructive method on laser diodes
  • Low-level current-voltage characteristic
  • High and low frequency laser noise
  • Capacitance as a function of voltage
  • Optical crosstalk

Types of components tested

  • Emitters: cw or pulsed laser diodes, LEDs, SLEDs, high power laser,
  • Receivers: CMOS, CCD sensors, phototransistors (unitary and matrix), photodiodes (unitary and matrix),
  • Optical functions: electro-optical modulators, transceivers, optocouplers, frequency doublers,
  • Passive fiber components: optical couplers, Bragg gratings, isolators, optical cords, tactical cables, multiplexers, optical switches,
  • Optical components: lenses, mirrors, optical windows, gratings, prisms, polarizers, filters,…
  • Optical and electrical connectors,
  • Optoelectronic and photonic subsystems and systems: sources and detectors.